This post will be mostly about the photos… but here’s a quick rundown of my Sept. 6-10. Shoot the Florida vs Miami football game at Sun Life Stadium. (My last trip there was for Super Bowl XLIV) Miami fans can really tailgate. The game didn’t go Florida’s way, but who cares. It was cloudy all […]

First of all, I’ve decided to no longer recognize the bison as a member of the animal kingdom. As far as I’m concerned, bison never got on the Ark and no longer exist. (Kidding of course. Congrats to North Dakota State for beating K-State on Saturday the same way K-State beat everybody last season.) That […]

Portraits have always been my weak point when it comes to newspaper photography. Give me an hour at an event and I’ll bring back some nice images. Give me some lights and a subject and I freeze up. Rob, my boss, noticed this right away after I started working in Gainesville and has been helping […]

With school starting around here this week, I figured I’d post a “what I did this summer” essay. Summers around this college town can get pretty slow. With all the students gone, not much happens around here so it gives us time to find and work on projects. I’d seen signs and a few other […]

It’s been a while since I posted some photos so I figured I’d just toss everything into one mega-blog post. So here’s a quick rundown of my favorite photos from early July until now. Lots of daily assignments, two journalism workshops and a birthday. Enjoy! Last day of a summer camp… the shaving cream pies […]

Since I graduated high school, I think there’s only been 2-3 Fourth of July weekends I haven’t worked. And that’s not a complaint. The festivals and events surrounding the 4th are usually a pretty good time. Rain was the theme this year. It threatened, delayed or pushed forward every event… From shopping for fireworks, to […]

God or no God? Bench or no Bench? Commandments or no Commandments. Lots of debating took place outside the Bradford County courthouse on Saturday after the the American Atheists installed a monument (bench) next to a Ten Commandments monument. The American Atheists were trying to get the Ten Commandments monument taken down, but came to […]

It can be tough sometimes to watch major news happening somewhere else. The journalist in me wants to be there taking photos. I had that feeling on Wednesday after the Supreme Court struck down DOMA. It’s a pretty historic decision and being in DC for something like that would have been amazing. So I did […]

On Wednesday I headed up to the Florida state prison for another execution. William Van Poyck was accused of shooting and killing a prison guard back in the 80’s. The normal group of protesters gathered outside the prison in the area for those opposed to the death penalty. (A bus full of people from Palm Beach […]

It rained… a lot. The first named storm of the 2013 Hurricane season passed over Gainesville on Thursday. Tropical Storm Andrea dumped a ton of rain and a little bit of wind on north-central Florida. I never wish for a storm, but when one comes, I get a little excited to head out and photograph […]