Tag : florida

Call to Post (Photos)

Call to Post (Photos)

One of the best parts about traveling to cover football games is experiencing the traditions of other teams. Right before kickoff at Kentucky football games, they play the Call to Post. Not what you’d expect at a football game… unless you’re in Kentucky.  I got goosebumps seeing this sky and hearing the call. Pretty awesome […]

8 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Call to Post (Photos)


I could try to tell you  how to go fishing for scallops, but I’ll let a dude named Shel explain. I mean, come on, his name’s Shel for crying out loud. After the video, check out the rest of the photos from my trip out to the Gulf of Mexico on the opening day of […]

10 years ago Comments Off on Scallops
Too Early for Flapjacks?

Too Early for Flapjacks?

The last two weekends have been pretty jam packed with activities. These photos really don’t cover all the fun we’ve had, but it’ll give you a glimpse at least. Pancake (DeLeon) Springs where you can make your own pancakes at the table. Amazing concept and tons of fun. Morning walk along the LaChua Trail, only […]

10 years, 2 months ago Comments Off on Too Early for Flapjacks?
Jayhawks in Florida

Jayhawks in Florida

During a grade school History of Kansas lesson, my teacher said “If you were born in Kansas, you’re a Jayhawk.” I said “No I’m not, I’m a Wildcat.” She was referring of course to the mythical Jayhawk creature thing as a state of Kansas figure, not necessarily KU’s mascot. I didn’t care, I was NOT […]

10 years, 7 months ago Comments Off on Jayhawks in Florida
Basketball Media Day

Basketball Media Day

Basketball is right around the corner. In my book, the season tips-off with the annual media day at UF. All the players gather in the practice gym for portraits and interviews. The players are always fun to work with and usually put up with crazy requests from the photographers. I wanted to do something a […]

10 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Basketball Media Day
Crashing a tailgate

Crashing a tailgate

I’ve photographed a TON of tailgating before football games… at all levels. So much so that it’s almost becoming a chore. Until I slap myself and say “come on, I’m outside shooting people having a good time.” But this season, I made a rule. No photographs of people playing corn hole, beer pong or flip […]

10 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Crashing a tailgate
Bluegrass and Buckeyes

Bluegrass and Buckeyes

Laura and I headed north last weekend to cover the Florida versus Kentucky game in Lexington. It worked out well since Laura’s folks live two hours from Lexington so we crashed at “Hotel Bernheim” for a few days. (Thanks John and Carol!) We got to Dayton around 10 a.m. and drove to Young’s Jersey Dairy […]

10 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Bluegrass and Buckeyes
First Fall weekend of Football

First Fall weekend of Football

I guess technically it’s Fall, but it feels nothing like Fall around here. Ether way, it was still a good weekend of football in North Central Florida. Call me crazy, but I REALLY enjoy driving an hour to a small-town high school and shooting a football game. Maybe even more so than shooting at large […]

10 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on First Fall weekend of Football
A Dancing Horse and Fireworks

A Dancing Horse and Fireworks

Since I graduated high school,  I think there’s only been 2-3 Fourth of July weekends I haven’t worked. And that’s not a complaint. The festivals and events surrounding the 4th are usually a pretty good time. Rain was the theme this year. It threatened, delayed or pushed forward every event…  From shopping for fireworks, to […]

11 years ago Comments Off on A Dancing Horse and Fireworks
A bench in Starke

A bench in Starke

God or no God? Bench or no Bench? Commandments or no Commandments. Lots of debating took place outside the Bradford County courthouse on Saturday after the the American Atheists installed a monument (bench) next to a Ten Commandments monument. The American Atheists were trying to get the Ten Commandments monument taken down, but came to […]

11 years ago Comments Off on A bench in Starke