Tag : florida gators

Call to Post (Photos)

Call to Post (Photos)

One of the best parts about traveling to cover football games is experiencing the traditions of other teams. Right before kickoff at Kentucky football games, they play the Call to Post. Not what you’d expect at a football game… unless you’re in Kentucky.  I got goosebumps seeing this sky and hearing the call. Pretty awesome […]

8 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Call to Post (Photos)


Figured it was about time to update this thing. Last week I went to Oklahoma City to cover the Florida softball team in the Women’s College World Series. I drove from Manhattan to OKC and arrived a few hours before the start of the final series… A best-of-three against Michigan. The morning after that first […]

9 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on WCWS in OKC