Tag : hurricane

Matthew and Marathons

Matthew and Marathons

After the 2005 hurricane season I remember saying “I hope I never have to photograph another hurricane again.” Obviously I’ve covered many since then. But as much as I don’t wish to cover them, something clicks in me when there’s a storm approaching. A click that’s part Eagle Scout and part Journalist. It’s being prepared and […]

7 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Matthew and Marathons
A reason to smile

A reason to smile

When I got back from evacuating after Hurricane Katrina I had a roof, electricity, running water, air conditioning, food… and I knew the whereabouts of my family. So many people lost all of those after Katrina made landfall. A lot of those people wound up in Houma, the small town where I worked just outside […]

8 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on A reason to smile
Tropical Storm Andrea

Tropical Storm Andrea

It rained… a lot. The first named storm of the 2013 Hurricane season passed over Gainesville on Thursday. Tropical Storm Andrea dumped a ton of rain and a little bit of wind on north-central Florida. I never wish for a storm, but when one comes, I get a little excited to head out and photograph […]

11 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on Tropical Storm Andrea